Fully custom tour

If you do not wish to book a package tour, we can help you organize a custom tour, especially suited to your wishes. Please tell me your interests and how many days you want to spend in Cambodia and I will think with you to make the best itinerary for a good price. 

Some ideas for activities to incorporate into your itinerary: 


- Angkor Wat

- Bayon temple

- Ta Prohm

- Sra Srang

- Banteay Kdei

- Angkor Thom

- Prasat Krevan

- Takeo

- Preah Khan

- Neak Pean

- East Mebon

- Roluos group

- Ta Som

- Pre Rup

- Banteay Srei (Lady temple)

- Beng Mealea jungle temple (remote temple)

- Koh Ker pyramid temple (remote temple)

- Sambor Prei Kuk (remote temple)

- Banteay Chhmar (remote temple)

Other activities

- Floating forest Kompong Phluck

- Silk farm

- Angkor National Museum

- Landmine Museum

- Khmer massage

- Cooking course 

- Wat Thmey (killing field)

- Old Market

- Night Market

- Artisans d'Angkor

- Hot air balloon ride (you don't fly over the temples)

- Tonle Sap lake

- Ox cart ride

- Cambodian village visit

- Phnom Kulen National Park

- Quad riding

- Apsara dance show

Design it yourself!!

Tuk Tuk
On request
On request
Mini Bus
On request

Price per vehicle

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